Little Maddie, as she is known by her family, is absolutely darling. She is the youngest of 6 kids, having 3 older brothers and 2 older sisters. This is a family that my husband, John and I love. Always lots of energy and excitement! We have photographed them now on several occasions and it is always fun. The day of little Maddie's shoot it was no different. Megan, who is 2, wanted to be right involved with what we were doing, so that is why she also made the blog. Megan was trying to help mom remove her nail polish for this shoot which developed into some tears from Megan, needless to say.
Maddie was quite content, even with all the activity from her older siblings going on all over the house. I guess that comes from having older siblings. We wanted to include a shot of all the kids with their new baby sister. That ended up being feet!!!
Megan loves the camera.

Who has the dirtiest feet? Is that you, Cameron?
The Thinker.
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