Friday, June 4, 2010

What Did YOU Celebrate On Memorial Day 2010? Ventura Pier, Ventura, California

What did YOU celebrate on our American Memorial Day?  Did you celebrate our freedom to be what ever you want to be and think about those who have and are making that possible for us?

I went to Ventura, California with my husband to find and photograph the true American Spirit.  I finally found HIM on the end of the Ventura Pier, where he has been fishing most every day for the past 40 years.  I would like to introduce you to Packy, a true American Spirit, who loves life and loves his freedom to be just what ever he wants to be.  We stayed with him for over an hour, visiting, fishing and becoming good friends.  His stories were as interesting as he was and there were 40 years of memories alone just in his hands.  I dedicate this blog post to him, Packy the Fisherman.

This shot reminded me of my Grandpa, Pappy.  He had a car like this and drove me around town in Alaska when I was a young kid.
What was your mode of transportation on our American Holiday?  A bike, motorcycle, car?
I love great architecture.
Did you go shopping, maybe at a second hand clothing store?
Watch street performers?
Eat outside?
Part of our lunch at the Savory Cafe in Ventura.
And I ATE the whole thing.  It was an amazing sandwich.
Ventura is a very Dog Friendly place, dogs everywhere.

Maybe you took your family biking for the Holiday.  This family were all on ONE.
There were a million daisies lining the pathway beside the beach.

Don't you think that we all cart TOO MUCH STUFF!
My favorite shot of the day.

Maybe you went fishing on this Holiday.

Introducing, Packy.
I asked him about his hat, his answer, it made him a true pioneer.

You could feel Packy's true love for fishing.  He said his favorite TV show was "The Deadliest Catch".
He truly was an American Spirit.
He wasn't more than 5 feet tall.  Actually I think shorter.
Packy's transportation.  Economical and definitely green. 

Dog Friendly.
This dog DIDN'T like me.

I came in for a closer look to see what this guy was so interested in.
Oh, bathing beauties!  Or so they think.
So glad to be an American and be what ever I want to be.


Aynn said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE everything about this post.